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Charged by Nature – Clean Energy for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Charged by Nature – Clean Energy for a Sustainable Tomorrow

On this International Clean Energy Day, we find ourselves at the crossroads of innovation and sustainability, celebrating the remarkable journey towards a more sustainable future. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), renewable electricity capacity increased by almost 50% from 2022 to 2023, and a further increase is expected in the next five years mainly due to solar PV’s and wind. This is the fastest growth rate in the past two decades, and with this pace, experts calculate that renewables will surpass coal and become the largest source of electricity by 2025.

Electrification is the main climate solution

Electricity is fundamental in our modern life, and today power generation is currently the largest source of CO2 emissions globally. Yet, it is also the sector that is leading the transition to reduce the emissions, through advancements such as renewable energy from hydro, solar and wind – and electrification of transportation (source: Statkraft, Low emission report 2023).

The transportation sector accounts for over 15% of global energy-related emissions, and electrification of the transportation can reduce global emissions significantly. In 2022, the global EV fleet consumed about 110 TWh of electricity (source: IEA, Electric Vehicles)

Critical to develop the EV charging infrastructure

Although many EV drivers can charge their car at the comfort of their own home, publicly accessible chargers are needed to provide the same level of convenience and accessibility as for conventional vehicles. By 2022 there were 2.7 million charging points available globally – with over 66% of them located in China. To reach the Net Zero target of 2030 and serve the expected numbers of EVs, the world would need 17 million charging points – which means the development of EV charging infrastructure is expecting critical growth in the years to come (source: IEA, Electric Vehicle).

Charged By Nature

As an EV charging company owned by Statkraft, Europe’s largest renewable energy producer, our commitment to fostering positive change is deeply rooted in the transformative power of clean energy. Our mission to make sustainable electric mobility easy and accessible for everyone extends beyond the mere convenient charging solution; it’s about paving the way for a sustainable transportation system. That’s why we say that we are Charged By Nature.


Sources: Executive summary – Renewables 2023 – Analysis – IEA, statkraft-low-emissions-scenario-2023.pdfElectric vehicles – IEA

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